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Clare Belmont
Jun 20, 20246 min read
Celestial Woofluff: The Power of the Solstice and Full Moon for Manifestation
I’m not just spiritually curious, I’m all in. I’m not just grounded – I walk my talk. I realise magic, mystery and manifestation are all...
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Clare Belmont
Apr 21, 20245 min read
Create your Reality - Do you truly believe it?
Create your Reality, Create your Life. Yep yep got it. Did the workshop, read the book. So why isn't it happening yet? Welllllll... do...
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Clare Belmont
Mar 17, 20244 min read
5 ways to own this week. Make Monday your Accountability Ally
Monday is a delicious new threshold and time to review the wins last week, take what worked forward, and leave the rest. Set the #1 non...
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Clare Belmont
Aug 19, 20235 min read
Focus and Potential: The Power of Spirituality, Nature, and the Elements in Business and Life
This is my arena, I'm literally in my element! Through decades in both Corporate and Solo Self Development, I've seen firsthand the power...
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Clare Belmont
Jul 20, 20213 min read
Discerning Fear
Fear is holding me back. Fear is gripping loads of people, all for our own unique intuitive reasons. But it’s here and it’s not going...
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Are You Living Your Truth or Someone Else's Lie?
How does it feel when you say or do something you don’t truly want to do? If you're honest - it feels heavy, dissonant—like a betrayal of...

Small Steps, Big Wins: Daily Rituals for Overthinking & Decision Fatigue
Decision-making is a critical skill. Yet, many find themselves paralysed by overthinking (me included), fearing the possibility of making...

Focus on Your Flow - 5 ways to Ultradian Rhythm
You have a natural rhythm and flow - you Know when you are in it. You can also choose to get into it. As a mindset coach, I’ve worked...
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